Five Racist Halloween Costumes to Avoid

Flashback Friday: Don’t Be Racist on Halloween

Hello Meltingpot Community,

Halloween is less than a week away, which means CANDY FEST!!!!

But it also means it’s time to remind folks to be mindful of their costume choices, lest they veer off into culturally offensive and/or racist territory. I know most of you, dear readers, would never consider such a thing, but maybe your friend or neighbor isn’t so enlightened.

That’s why I wrote this blog post last year titled, Five Racist Halloween Costumes to Avoid on Halloween. Believe it or not, it’s still relevant today, so feel free to read and share with your friends or family who just might need to hear it.

In the meantime, tell me what costume you and/or your kids are going to wear this year. Babygirl wants to be a unicorn. I do too!


Avoid these Racist Halloween Costumes

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