Being Black in Germancy

MAMP Monday: What’s it Like to be Black in Germany?

Hello Meltingpot Community,

As you know, I’m mildly obsessed with talking about the Black experience in Spain. And while I have personal reasons why I’m obsessed with the Black experience in Spain, I’m also just genuinely interested in learning about the Black experience throughout Europe. Why? Because for far too long, the accepted narrative of the European experience has been devoid of color. And as we all should know by now, that is a false and harmful narrative.

Black in Germany

So, imagine my pleasant surprise when I discovered this new documentary about the Black experience in Germany, aptly titled, Afro Germany. The documentary is narrated by and stars a Black German journalist named, Jana Pareigis. The best part about the film, is that it is available for free on YouTube and it is in English. *score*

But make no mistake, just because it’s free doesn’t mean it’s low quality. Quite the contrary. This is a really interesting and informative video with high level visual appeal. Personally, I was all in even before the opening credits finished because they started with an image of a Black woman doing her hair. Doesn’t it always begin with the hair?

Check out the trailer below, and then use this link to watch the entire film. You won’t be disappointed.


Do any of my readers have any experience being Black in Germany? I’d love to hear what that was/is like.


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