Five Racist Halloween Costumes to Avoid

Five Racist Halloween Costumes to Always Avoid

Hello Meltingpot Readers,

Halloween is just around the corner, so I thought I should take this opportunity to remind parents that there are some costumes that should be avoided because they could be considered racist. Now, I know, dear readers, that most of you would never dream of putting your child into a racist Halloween costume, but that doesn’t mean you don’t know somebody who might. Rather than having to explain to them why their choices are oh, so wrong, you can simply send them a link to My American Meltingpot and be done with it.

Personally, there have been too many times when I’ve seen racist costumes on children, so I feel it is my meltingpot duty to make a no-no list for anyone willing to take the advice.

So, without further ado…

Ms. Meltingpot’s Top 5 Racist Halloween Costumes to Avoid

1. Anything that involves painting a pale face black or dark brown. It seems silly that in 2018, one has to remind people that blackface (or brownface) is offensive to anyone with dark skin, but it needs to be done. We’re not a costume, plus it’s just too soon to expect us to forget what Blackface meant (a derogatory imitation of Black people) only a short while ago in American history. So, that means even if your white child wants to be Moana or Princess Tiana, DO NOT PAINT HER FACE BROWN. Just get her the right dress and accessories and tell her people will know who she is supposed to be.

2. Anything that is basically using another person’s national origin as the basis for the costume. That means no dressing up as a little Chinese girl, a Mexican boy, a Middle-Eastern belly dancer, or a Jamaican!

3. Any costume that is primarily based on putting a wig styled like a Black person’s hair. In other words, just wearing an Afro wig or a wig with braids or dredlocks, is not a costume.


5. Avoid costumes that invoke racist fears. For example, do not dress your child as a tiki-torch carrying protestor, a border patrol-agent or Donald Trump. Some things just aren’t funny, nor are they appropriate for young (or old) people to be dressed as for this holiday. And when I say “young people,” I mean teenagers and adults too. Nobody is exempt from my rules.

So, there you have it. Please remember these suggestions and share them with your friends who aren’t as clued in as you.

What’s the more racist or offensive Halloween costume you’ve ever seen? Please share in the comments. You know, I’m listening.


Avoid these Racist Halloween Costumes

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