Category: Lori’s Story
I’m Supposed to be Planning for a Year in Spain, but Coronavirus!
Hello Meltingpot Community, I had every intention of starting March off with a big announcement. I wanted to share that I would be spending the 2020-2021 academic year in the south of Spain with my family, in order to continue my research on the Black experience in Spain. However, not only have I not received…
Back to Spain Again!
Hello Meltingpot Community, It seems surreal to be typing these words, but in just a few short hours I’ll be boarding a plane en route back to Spain. I have a week off from teaching so, I’m heading to one of my favorite places, Andalucía, Spain. Specifically, I’ll be in Cádiz and Malaga and the…
#Flashback Friday: “Substitute Me” Debuts
Hello Meltingpot Readers, Even though I’m one week early, today I want to go back in time to 2010. Nine years ago, I officially became a novelist with the debut of my novel, Substitute Me. From the time I was a little girl, I dreamt of writing novels, but lacked the courage to pursue my…
Lori in Lisbon
Hello Meltingpot Readers, I’m just dropping in to let you know that I’m in Lisbon, Portugal for a few days to attend a conference. I’m really excited about the conference, but anyone who knows me, also knows that Lisbon is absolutely my happy place. Check out this post from 2014 to find out why and…
Being the Black Body in a White Family
Hola Meltingpot Readers, I’m coming at you live and in-person from the sunny south of Spain. It is absolutely gorgeous here – clear blue skies, radiant sun, palm trees, flowers flaunting every color from the deepest purple to the sharpest pinks. We’re currently staying with el esposo’s family and they live in a beautiful home…
Hasta Luego: Ms. Meltingpot is Going Back to Spain
Hello Meltingpot Readers, “I’m leaving on a jet plane…” That’s right, I’m heading off to sunny Spain for six weeks. I am so freaking excited. Not only will this be the first time I’ve been back to Spain in almost a decade, but I’m going to be working on a really cool research project. Ten…