Moving Abroad but not a Blaxit

Back to Spain Again!

Hello Meltingpot Community,

It seems surreal to be typing these words, but in just a few short hours I’ll be boarding a plane en route back to Spain. I have a week off from teaching so, I’m heading to one of my favorite places, Andalucía, Spain. Specifically, I’ll be in Cádiz and Malaga and the weather gods seem to be smiling. Despite the fact that this is the rainy season in the south of Spain, it looks like we may see more sun than clouds for the week. Inshallah!

I’m not quite ready to reveal why I’m going to Spain with el esposo, instead of eating Turkey and stuffing with my kids and family in honor of Indigenous People’s Resistance Day, but I will say, this is not a vacation. I’ll actually be on a very serious mission and hope to be able to share with you all by my birthday in February what that mission is all about.

In the meantime, wish me luck that we make all of our trains, connecting flights and busses and I wish you all a delicious holiday week.


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