Author: Lori Tharps
Friday Favorites: Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations
Hello Meltingpot Readers, I’m sure by now you’ve all read about the tragic death of celebrity chef and TV personality, Anthony Bourdain. He committed suicide in early June while on assignment in France. True confession, I knew who Bourdain was and vaguely remember seeing one of his shows while I was staying in a hotel…
Is There a Correlation Between Woke-ness in White people and Lotion Use?
Hello Meltingpot Readers, I need your help. Recently I was having a discussion with a Black male friend of mine and he was telling me that his white girlfriend doesn’t use lotion. “What do you mean she doesn’t use lotion?” I asked, genuinely confused. “She doesn’t use lotion after she showers,” he said, his voice…
Celebrating Juneteenth Is As American as Strawberry Soda
Updated June 2023 In the United States, June 19, is now officially (Thanks, President Biden!) Juneteenth Day, aka Black America’s Independence Day. Have you stocked up on strawberry soda? Are you ready to fire up the grill? Are you confused? If you don’t know how to celebrate Juneteenth Day, or even if you should, do…
Happy Loving Day!
Hello Meltingpot Readers, Pardon my absence yesterday, but I figured you wouldn’t mind the delay because it’s Loving Day!!! In my world, Loving Day qualifies as a day of celebration because it’s the day the Supreme Court struck down all anti-miscegenation laws, making it legal to marry across racial and ethnic lines in all 50…
Friday Favorites: THINX Gets Diversity Right in Ads
Hello Meltingpot Readers, It’s Friday, so that means I get to share some of my favorite things. And today I want to talk about, period panties. Sorry if that grosses you out, but period panties are a thing and a necessary thing at that if you’re a woman between the ages of say 12 and…
Raising Bilingual Kids with Mixed Results
Hello Meltingpot Readers, I used to joke that the only reason I married el esposo was because I wanted my children to be bilingual. While that clearly wasn’t the only reason I married my husband, I was dead serious about wanting my children to speak Spanish fluently. Luckily, el esposo was just as committed as…
MAMP History: Josephine Baker and the Original Rainbow Coalition
Hello Meltingpot Readers, Today I’m introducing a new feature here on the Meltingpot called My American Meltingpot History, where I’ll be highlighting some of the most Meltingpot moments in our nation’s past. Because mainstream history books and the lessons many of us were taught in school emphasized a segregated version of American history, many people…
Friday Favorites: Black Girl Magic on the Cover of the New Yorker
Hello Meltingpot Readers, Don’t you just feel great when the right people win? That’s how I felt this morning when I saw that a recent graduate of a local Philadelphia art school (college not high school) created the cover for this week’s New Yorker issue, which happens to be the coveted summer, fiction double-issue. Loveis…