Don't be racist and stupid because of Corona Virus

Don’t Be Racist and Stupid Because of #CoronaVirus

Hello Meltingpot Community,

I’m writing to you live from my new bedroom office where I have been banished because #Corona2020 has turned my usual dining room home office into homeschooling central.

Yes, the Corona virus has turned the world on its head. People are suffering and judging from reports, things are going to get worse before they get better, particularly here in the USA. But the Corona virus doesn’t mean it’s open season for overt racism and blatant stupidity. Well, it shouldn’t be, but sadly, it seems like it is, here in the United States and around the globe.

Some examples to show you what I mean.

“Fight the Virus not the People”

Asian Americans are being targeted for racist attacks, abuse and discrimination in the United States, and Asians living in Europe are also being blamed, victimized and harassed. ABC news has a comprehensive story on the anti-Asian sentiment being expressed around the world. The truth is, given the degradation of our planet, the increased international travel and global climate change, a global pandemic was inevitable. Where it started is irrelevant. Blaming a certain group of people for a worldwide disease is just racist and reactionary.

And just for some perspective, a white woman started the anti-vaccination movement which re-introduced measles, mumps and whooping cough into the United States. Did white women and white children suddenly become social pariahs and victims of violent abuse? Ask yourselves why not?

Black People Can’t Get the Corona Virus

I don’t know if I should file this under racism, stupidity or both. But I read this one little story in the Philadelphia Inquirer debunking what sounded like a silly rumor that Black people can’t get the Corona virus. But it turns out, there are plenty of Black people who believe that not only are Black people immune to Corona, but somehow Black people are going to be used for scientific experimentation to find what makes us immune and then use that to cure the rest of the world. I wish I were making this up, but I’m not. Granted, African Americans have plenty of reasons to distrust the medical establishment coupled with the American government (Hello, Henrietta Lacks and The Tuskegee Study), but please people. If you are Black do what you have to do to stay safe and healthy. And if you are spreading these ridiculous rumors, please stop.

Just Plain Stupid

As a journalist and a journalism professor, I admit I am on these interwebs constantly watching the media coverage of the Corona virus. As such, I am astounded by the ridiculous things people are saying, believing and doing in these unprecedented times of turmoil. I mean, I do understand that everything about this situation is a moving target, but still, common sense is a thing, isn’t it?

• We’ve got Republican leaders in California telling people to go out and eat and socialize in bars and restaurants to support the economy.

• We’ve got religious leaders saying Corona was created by ” you pick the anti-christ” and only Christians will be saved.

• We’ve got people suggesting that drinking bleach, washing your hands with Vodka and drinking large amounts of water will cure the virus.

Don’t Be Racist. Don’t Be Stupid.

How Not to Be Racist and stupid about Corona Virus
Spread Love not Racism and Stupidity…But of course spread that love from a distance!

Like I said, the world feels like a scary, confusing place right now. And let’s be honest, it is. But the best thing we can do as individuals, is to practice social distancing, wash our hands regularly with soap and water, eat healthy homemade food, and stay informed by using reliable sources like the CDC. Not Facebook.

But we also need to find ways to keep our spirits up, maintain some form of human connection and pass the time in productive ways. If you are looking for some Meltingpot ways to distract yourself during these stressful days ahead (think books, movies, TV shows, recipes, activities, podcasts) please sign up for my newsletter. The March edition, which will be sent later this week, will be chock full of resources to inspire and entertain yourselves during Corona2020.

Okay Meltingpot community. Be good to yourselves. Stay healthy. And don’t be racist or stupid.



2 responses to “Don’t Be Racist and Stupid Because of #CoronaVirus”

  1. Thank you for being a voice of reason. As a mixed-race Asian-Caucasian I haven’t received any racist blowback about the coronavirus, but it’s sad to see that people are in a scramble to blame someone, anyone, rather than to confront the problem in ways that are helpful. I always enjoy reading your blogs, but this is a time I felt impelled to comment. Thank you.

    1. Lori Tharps Avatar
      Lori Tharps

      You are most welcome. Be well and thanks for your comment and support. Hearing from readers makes such a difference.

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