Loving Mixed Race Couple

MAMP Podcast Ep#28: Guess Who’s Afraid of Interracial Relationships?

Hello Meltingpot Community,

We made it to Season 4!

On episode 28 of the podcast we are going to be talking about interracial relationships in the 21st century. More specifically, we’re going to discuss why, 53 years after the Loving decision made interracial marriage legal in all 50 states, we are still divided over interracial unions. On the one hand, studies show that more people support interracial relationships than in the past. But on the other hand, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s recent interracial union proved that a lot of people just aren’t ready to accept love across the color line. 


TaRessa Stovall and fear of interracial relationships
TaRessa Stovall is an identity rights rabble rouser and she has no fear of interracial relationships.

Joining me today to chop it up about where we stand as a culture on interracial relationships, is TaRessa Stovall. TaRessa is a mixed-race author, journalist, and identity rights rabble-rouser who works to evolve the conversations around identity and challenge racism. She is a Seattle-native based in Atlanta. Her new memoir, Swirl Girl: Coming of Race in the USA is coming out this spring.

During the episode, TaRessa and I talk about the following:

Hot Topics

• Jazz babies in Seattle, Washington

• Why Black/White interracial relationships are the most controversial in the United States.

• Who really has a problem with interracial relationships. Hint: It’s not just white people.

• Why Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s interracial relationship made people uncomfortable and angry.

• The tribe mentality and why interracial relationships hurt “the tribe.”

• Why there is a fear of interracial relationships in the United States.

• The painful history of anti-Blackness in the United States.

• The untold history of interracial mixing in the United States.

•Why interracial relationships aren’t the answer to America’s race problem.

• What Mixed people know about interracial relationships that the rest of us don’t.

• How we make progress as a nation towards the acceptance and respect of interracial relationships.

Resources from the Show

Fear of interracial relationshipsTo learn more about TaRessa Stovall and her new book, Swirl Girl, visit her website.

To follow TaRessa on Instagram, find her @Taressatalks

You can also follow TaRessa on Facebook 

To read some of TaRessa’s articles on identity and mixing, check out her blog, BlackandBlewish

For more information about the supreme court decision that legalized interracial marriage in all 50 states, visit Loving Day.org and / or watch the beautiful Loving documentary.

If you want to read more about the United States as a place where consensual interracial unions have always been a part of the social fabric of society, check out this post I wrote about Malaga island a few years back.

Please don’t forget to rate and review the podcast on Apple podcasts. Thank you!

(Featured Photo by Isabell De La Cruz from Pexels)

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