Positive News Stories

Get Happy this New Year, Despite the Global Sh*T Show!

Hello Meltingpot Community,

As this is my first post back, post holidays spent with my family in Florida, I wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year. However, thanks to the fires in Australia, the Cheeto Dusted imbecile in the White House who has us teetering on the brink of war, and a host of other looming global catastrophes, I feel like saying Happy New Year is a bit inappropriate. I mean, what’s happy about it? Where is there any positive news in today’s headlines?

But, dear readers, you know I’m an eternal optimist, glass half-full kind of person, so I’m hard-wired to find the silver lining even in the worst disasters. I attribute this personality quirk of mine to being raised in the Midwest and because I’m an Aquarius. Needless to say, even I’ve been feeling extremely anxious and defeated given the current state of world affairs. Sadly, not only am I an optimist, I’m also a bit of a hysteric and can get caught up in any emotion to the nth degree. Lucky for me, El Esposo is the absolute opposite and does a great job pulling me off any ledge I seem to be teetering on when I am convinced a disaster is only moments away from obliterating mankind.

Media Matters

One of the things El Esposo reminds me to do on a regular basis is to change my media consumption. As a journalism professor I know only too well that the mainstream media isn’t interested in positive news stories. Instead they tend to traffic in bad news, violent news, and apocalyptic headlines. And while there are horrible things happening all around us, there are wonderful things happening all around us too, but we so seldom hear about them because positive news doesn’t sell newspapers. Fear does.

“I think there are many reasons why negative news is dominating the media. It’s like a sudden disaster is more compelling than, for example, little improvements. Bad things can happen quickly, but good things aren’t built in a day, and as they unfold, they’re out of sync with the news cycle.”

The above quote is from Mauro Gatti, who wrote this wonderful illustrated article on BoredPanda.com highlighting 50 of the best positive news stories from around the globe in 2019. (FYI, he did the same thing in 2018). He found stories about wildlife being saved, medical breakthroughs, gender equality being enforced and so much more. After reading through all 50 examples of the year’s “positive news,” I felt so much better, but more importantly, I felt like the world wasn’t going to hell. On the contrary, there are people all over this planet working to make this world a better place for all lifeforms. Therefore, rather than lament over the horrors, I should get busy doing my part to engage with the people doing good and/or do what I can to make the world a better place too. Because, clearly, it’s not impossible. Fear cannot be my guide.

Self-Care is Real and Necessary

Now, before anyone runs out to start a new Koala bear sanctuary in their backyard, I do want to tell you that it’s okay to feel anxious, nervous and depressed because of current events. So, all your energy cannot go into your activism work. Self-care should be a part of your vocabulary and routine. I’m not going to tell you what your self-care should look like, because everyone is different. I will tell you however, what I’ve decided to do this new year, to help calm my nerves and keep my stress levels at bay.

  1. I started running again. I plan to run a 10-mile race in May, so I’m training for that. (Note: I can only run 1-mile right now, but that’s part of the fun.)  Running is a great stress release for me.
  2. I’m learning how to play the ukulele. I start lessons on Thursday.
  3. I’m learning how to crochet. I bought my yarn and my hook. I start lessons on Thursday.
  4. I’ve promised myself to try a yoga class. Again. Maybe it will stick this time.

Live the Meltingpot

If you haven’t memorized the Meltingpot Manifesto yet, you might want to take a look at what the seven guiding principles of this blog and my life are. Most importantly, I do believe that change is possible and that food and laughter can start a revolution. I know that living a life open to learning and loving people across cultures is the answer to so many of our problems. And that’s not me being naive. That’s the truth. I know if I continue to live by these principles, I can help make the world a better place by spreading  a message of diversity, inclusion, and love that is healing, hopeful and honest. That’s my mission and manifesto. What’s yours?


(Image from BoredPanda.com)


2 responses to “Get Happy this New Year, Despite the Global Sh*T Show!”

  1. What a lovely post! Thank you for reminding me to find the joy and simple pleasures in life.

    1. Lori Tharps Avatar
      Lori Tharps

      Hi Amy,
      I’m so glad the post resonated with you. And here’s to finding your happy!

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