well-read black girl must have books

Book Marks: Literary News for Meltingpot Enthusiasts

Hello Meltingpot Readers,

This year, I’m going to launch the My American Meltingpot book club! I’m so excited because there is nothing I love more than books, except perhaps, talking about books with other like-minded people. So, stay tuned for future announcements about the MAMP book club.

Diverse Book News

In the meantime, here are some multicultural, book-related, news stories gathered from the Internets for your enjoyment.

Here is a radio story from NPR about the popular new virtual book club, Well-Read Black Girl.

LitHub counted down the Top Ten Literary Stories of 2018. From James Baldwin to Barnes and Noble, their stories covered the entire lit scene.

Shondaland profiles literary translator Anton Hur about Korean literature and the rising Korean influence on American pop culture.

This list of “5 Latino Authors You Should Be Reading Now” makes a case for Latinos who wrote their best work in the United States.

More News, More Books

If you love books as much as I do, and enjoy free books, you should sign up for my monthly newsletter (in the right sidebar). Every month I give away at least one new book to a lucky reader. This month’s book is White Like Her by Gail Lukasik. Gail will be joining me on the MAMP podcast this Friday to discuss the book, and her journey to discovering that her mother had been passing as white for her whole life! It’s a delicious read.

What are you excited to read this year, Meltingpot community?


P.S. Don’t forget, today is the last day to donate to the MAMP Kickstarter campaign. We only have until 5pm to make our goal of $5,500. Thank you for any and all support!

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