Friday Favorites + A Same Family, Different Colors Giveaway!

Hello Meltingpot Readers,

It’s Friday, so that means I’m sharing one of my favorites.

It might be because we recently added a (giant) fur baby to our family, but lately I’m all about dogs. So last weekend, babygirl and I decided to watch the 2009 Nickelodeon film, Hotel for Dogs. The movie was cute, with just the right amount of humor and heart. But the best part is that one of my favorite actors, Don Cheadle is also in the movie, which in my book practically guarantees a certain level of quality to any film.

Friday Favorites Hotel for Dogs
This cutie pie steals the show from all of the human actors in Hotel for Dogs
The basic plot of Hotel for Dogs is that two foster children, a brother and a sister, are living with foster parents who won’t allow them to keep their dog so they have to find him a new home. Without giving too much away, they find an abandoned hotel for their dog and a few other strays to live in. Meanwhile, their social worker – the great Mr. Cheadle – is trying to find them a permanent adoptive family where the two can stay together and get away from their current foster parents who are comically horrible.

So, basically while we’re laughing at all of the canine hilarity that comes with dogs staying in a hotel, we’re also pulling for Don Cheadle to find the perfect family for these kids who apparently became wards of the state after their parents died. Like I said, humor and heart.

Now, if anybody can guess why Hotel for Dogs gets two Meltingpot thumbs up because of the ending, they will be entered to win a Same Family, Different Colors T-shirt and a signed copy of Same Family, Different Colors: Confronting Colorism in America’s Diverse Families (Beacon). (Hint, the answer relates back to this post I wrote nine years ago.) Leave me an answer in the comments before 10 pm Saturday July 21 and I’ll randomly pick a winner from the entries. And because I love you all, as long as you write something, I’ll include you in the drawing. Winner will be announced on Monday.

Now, I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t point out that the trailer for this movie is the most whitewashed example of poppycocks that I’ve ever seen. There’s no mention of foster care, there’s no Don Cheadle, it’s like a trailer for a different more upbeat movie. Boo on you Nickelodeon trailer people. Take a look and you’ll see what I mean.

Okay, send me your guesses and have a great weekend!


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