Tag: Ms. Meltingpot
Mixie Music Monday: Introducing Seinabo Sey
Hi Meltingpot Readers, Some things in my life are just constant. For reasons that must have something to do with the moon I was born under or the arrangement of the stars when I pulled in my first breath, I am drawn to the mixing of cultures. So, I was in my car listening to…
#LinkLove: Fresh, Hot and Tasty New Meltingpot Links
Hi Meltingpot Readers, Please notice over there on the right, that I’ve added some new links to my “Tastes Like the Meltingpot” blogroll; HapaMama, Mater Mea, and Multiracial Sky. These are websites/blogs I love and I’m sure you will too. I’m always trying to keep it fresh for my loyal (and new) readers who, like…
Ms. Meltingpot Has Questions. Do You Have Answers?
Hello Meltingpot Readers, From time to time I find myself questioning things in this crazy game we call life and wonder if I’m the only one asking. Maybe it’s because I don’t have cable or because I rely on my children to explain a lot of pop culture references. Or maybe it’s because I prefer…
It Takes A Village To Save a Marriage
Hi Meltingpot Readers, Last week a friend of mine reached out for help. She and her husband were struggling and things had taken a turn for the worse. It wasn’t specifically to me that my friend turned to, but rather, to our book club. We’re a group that gathers quarterly to discuss our favorite books,…
Hi Meltingpot Readers, I am dragging myself out of the pit of despair, aka a week with the flu. Today, I got dressed for the first time in seven days and it was such an effort, I immediately had to take a nap. I promise I’ll be back with fresh content on Monday, MLK Day.…
Who’s More Black•ish, El Esposo or Ms. Meltingpot?
Hello Meltingpot Readers, So, those of you who read my memoir, Kinky Gazpacho, know I have a deep fascination with all things Black and Spanish. It’s kind of been my way to make my relationship with el esposo into some sort of cosmic destiny thing. I like finding historical precedents in all things, including my…
Guess Where I’m Going? : Ms. Meltingpot’s European Adventure
Hi Meltingpot Readers, I’ve been in a whirlwind of travel planning. Remember when I told you that I’d be spending the summer in London teaching? Well, everything is officially a go, so I had to buy my tickets this week and make it official. And while I am totally excited to spend six weeks with…