Tag: Books
Black History Month Lite: 5 Black Books That Aren’t About “Black Stuff”
Hello Meltingpot Readers, Here it is the last week of Black History Month and yours truly is just getting around to acknowledging it. Where are my manners? Hold on, let me get my tongue out of my cheek here. The thing is, I don’t know who Black History Month is really for and I don’t…
#WeNeedDiverseBooks: The Movement is Gaining Momentum!
Hi Meltingpot Readers, It should come to no surprise to any of you loyal readers that the #WeNeedDiverseBooks campaign is one that feels more personal than political to me. How could I not be completely supportive of a movement that supports diversity in children’s literature? As a lifelong reader and a parent with three “diverse”…
Just Because: Remember Jon Secada? He Has A New Book
Hi Meltingpot Readers, I’m showing my age here and my deep, abiding love for cheesy pop songs when I confess that there was a time when Jon Secada was the man of my dreams. “Just Another Day Without You” also known as “Otra Dia Mas Sin Verte” was my jam. I mean, think about it.…
An Adorable Children’s Book That Tackles the Color Complex
Hi Meltingpot Readers, I think you all know I’m working on a book about colorism in families and right now I’m in the research phase. That means I’m deep diving into all thing colorism related, specifically how colorism manifests in African-American families (I’ll be moving on to colorism in Latino families next.). So, imagine my…
Giving Credit Where Credit is Due: A Call to Change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Hello Meltingpot Readers, Did you ever stop to think why you get a day off for Columbus Day? What exactly is it we are celebrating? Some of us didn’t really celebrate anything at all today and reported in for work, but that’s beside the point. The real point is that celebrating the man who accidentally…
Passing (is) Strange … And Makes for Fascinating Reading
Hello Meltingpot Readers, There’s probably nothing revolutionary or even that revelatory in a new book out on passing called, A Chosen Exile by Stanford professor of American History, Allyson Hobbs, but still, I’m dying to read it. Why, because the very concept of passing, of leaving behind a life and family, shedding one’s cultural history…