Category: Parenting and Family
Poor White People: Where Are They?
Hi Meltingpot Readers, So, the other day my older son made a comment along the lines of, ‘Well, all the poor neighborhoods are Black neighborhoods.” I can’t even recall the context in which he said this, because my heart stopped for a moment and I had a painful flashback to my own childhood. Growing up…
Flashback Friday: The One About Black People Adopting White Children
Hi Meltingpot Readers, I’ve been blogging for over five years now and it occurs to me that I’ve written a few good posts during that time. So good, I think they deserve another look. I’ll be reposting from time to time, selecting the posts that drew the most comments or sometimes just because they make…
Five Simple Reasons Why I Don’t Do Playdates
Hello Meltingpot Readers, I have a confession to make. My children might turn out to be complete social misfits because Ms. Meltingpot doesn’t do playdates. It’s not like I have anything against the playdate and I’m not a Tiger Mother like Amy Chua who forbids her children from fraternizing with ‘Western’ kids. But I have…
My Sons Want to Be Millionaires So Freaking Bad…
Hi Meltingpot Readers, So, the other day I hear my boys whispering in their room, their door is closed and just in case, the older one yells, “Hey mom, don’t come in here.” So, of course I want to go in there and see what’s going on behind closed doors. But I don’t, because in…
Spanish Cheese, Babygirl and Eczema
Hi Meltingpot Readers, You can call me crazy, but I diagnosed babygirl with a dairy sensitivity, even though no one else in the family has any problem with dairy. Heck, I’m from Wisconsin, I practically have cow’s milk running through my veins. Still, a couple of months ago, babygirl developed a patch of eczema behind…
My Name is Not Florence Nightingale
Hi Meltingpot Readers, I think the Kinky Gazpacho family is cursed. It seems that every year around this time — yes, right before the holidays — we get sick. And when I say ‘we’ I mean the whole entire Kinky Gazpacho clan. And we were doing so well this year. *sigh* But yesterday, right on…
Mama Like (Michelle) Obama: Ms. Meltingpot Says No to Technology
Hi Meltingpot Readers, Earlier this year, I posted about my desire to come up with a brand or a logo or some sort of title for my style of parenting. I’m not a Tiger mom, because I’m not Asian, nor am I that strict. But I’m not lenient enough to be a free-range mom. My…
Happy Birthday, Grandma!
Hi Meltingpot Readers, Remember I said I was going to start sharing more of what goes on in my personal life here? This is MY American Meltingpot after all. So, I just wanted to share that this past Saturday, el esposo, the kids and I jumped in the car and drove to Baltimore to celebrate…