Category: Black in the World
Black History Month Lite: 5 Black Books That Aren’t About “Black Stuff”
Hello Meltingpot Readers, Here it is the last week of Black History Month and yours truly is just getting around to acknowledging it. Where are my manners? Hold on, let me get my tongue out of my cheek here. The thing is, I don’t know who Black History Month is really for and I don’t…
#WomensLives Being Black in Honduras: One Woman’s Story of Longing and Belonging
Hi Meltingpot Readers, I am so excited that I am getting the chance to take part in an initiative to highlight the lack of focus on women and women’s issues in the news media and really in society at large. Public Radio International (PRI) has spearheaded this initiative called Across Women’s Lives and has partnered…
My Protest on the Page: The #CapitalBCampaign is Launched!
Hi Meltingpot Readers, I’ve been busy since the last time I wrote. Besides making a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner for 15 people, I’ve started a revolution in the name of respect. Dear readers, you all know how I feel about the capital B situation in printed work. It drives me nuts that Black Americans are written…
Monday Microagressions Comic Relief: If Black Women Said…
Hi Meltingpot Readers, I have a new obsession and it’s called Buzzfeed. *hangs head in shame* My brother sent me a link to this hilarious video entitled, “If Black Women Said the Stuff White Guys Say” from the funny people at Buzzfeed. Yes, it’s meant to make you laugh but underneath the humor is a…
Passing (is) Strange … And Makes for Fascinating Reading
Hello Meltingpot Readers, There’s probably nothing revolutionary or even that revelatory in a new book out on passing called, A Chosen Exile by Stanford professor of American History, Allyson Hobbs, but still, I’m dying to read it. Why, because the very concept of passing, of leaving behind a life and family, shedding one’s cultural history…
black•ish is okay•ish: It’s No Cosby Show but I’ll Stick Around to Watch
Hi Meltingpot Readers, Thanks to our robust Jewish community in Philadelphia, my kids’ school was closed today, so I allowed them to stay up to watch the premier episode of ABC’s black•ish last night. I have to admit, I too was really excited by all of the promos and advanced praise about the show. I…
“Love the Skin You’re In,” Says Elmo and Lupita
Hi Meltingpot Readers, After Monday’s depressing post about skin whitening soap, today I bring you better news on the same topic courtesy of Elmo and my new girl crush, Lupita Nygong’o. They have a simple message: Love the skin you’re in. Way to go Sesame Street for offering this tiny tidbit of self-love empowerment in…