Author: Lori Tharps
Friday Favorites: The Nod Podcast
Hello Meltingpot Readers, It’s Friday, that means I get to share one of my favorite things. And today that favorite thing is a podcast. Now, I’m going to be honest. I’m a little late to the podcast game. I didn’t start listening to podcasts until recently and I’m still trying to catch up and find…
Loving Someone with Melanin Doesn’t Make You Woke & White
Hello Meltingpot Readers, I’m introducing another new feature here on The Meltingpot, called “Woke & White Wednesdays.” These will be posts, on Wednesdays obviously, where I celebrate white people who are “woke” – where woke means that they understand, respect and advocate for people of color and other marginalized groups. Because this is my blog…
Travel Call: Where Are You Going this Summer?
Hello Meltingpot Readers, As you read these words, imagine me in a car heading home from a quick road trip to Detroit. (FYI: Quick means nine hours both ways.) What was Ms. Meltingpot doing in Detroit? Dropping Son #1 off for a three-week, pre-college program at the College of Creative Studies. Son #1 one wants…
MAMP History: The Mixed-Race Community on Malaga Island
Hello Meltingpot Readers, From now on, on the first Friday of the month, you’ll find a post dedicated to Meltingpot History here on My American Meltingpot. The idea that the United States has always been segregated and that there has always been animosity between different racial groups is a lie. A big, fat lie meant…
Dear America, I’m Serving Tacos on Your Birthday!
Hello Meltingpot Readers, If there ever was a year I didn’t feel like celebrating the 4th of July, this would be it. After all, the 4th of July is basically just a big birthday party for our nation, but our nation hasn’t been very good lately and I don’t think she deserves a party. In…
“Hearts Beat Loud” Is the Meltingpot Movie I’ve Been Waiting For
Hello Meltingpot Readers, Full disclosure, I haven’t even seen the new indie film, Hearts Beat Loud yet, but based on the trailer alone, I love it. (And no, I haven’t read any reviews because I don’t want to spoil my fun.) From what I can gather, it’s about a middle-aged dad who records a song…
Digesting All the Issues in Pixar’s Animated Short, Bao
Hello Meltingpot Readers, Like probably many parents, I took my kids – son #1 and babygirl – to see the Incredibles 2 last week. FYI, babygirl thought the movie was scary, but son #1 and I loved it. But that’s not what I want to talk about today. I want to talk about the short…