Author: Lori Tharps
Dora the Explorer Is Alive and Coming to a Theater Near You
Hello Meltingpot Readers, Around these parts we’re always lamenting the lack of quality pop culture products with diverse characters, particularly films for younger audiences. So, imagine my complete and total surprise when I found out (thanks teenage sons) that Nickelodeon is making a live-action, Dora the Explorer movie. Just in case you slept through the…
Vegans are People of Color Too
Hello Meltingpot Readers, I’m not a vegan, nor am I a vegetarian, but I’ve been flirting with the idea of becoming a vegetarian for the last few years. It seems like more and more people I know are choosing a plant-based lifestyle, so I find myself researching the idea with more seriousness. Today, I fell…
Why We Can’t Wait to Talk About Colorism
Hello Meltingpot Readers, Can we talk about colorism? What I mean is, are we allowed to talk freely, out in the open, about colorism? It’s always been deemed a taboo topic, something we don’t speak about in polite company. So, has that changed in the last few years? Has something shifted in the cultural zeitgeist…
Five Snarky-Ass Things to Tell Your Black and Brown Kids Post College Cheating Scandal
Hello Meltingpot Readers, I am going to assume that by this time, you’ve all heard about Operation Varsity Blues, aka, the nation’s largest college cheating scandal. If by chance this incredibly tacky display of wealth and privilege has not yet crossed your social media feed, check out this article from the New York Times to…
MAMP Podcast Bonus Episode: My Multicultural Marriage
Hello Meltingpot Readers, I feel so sneaky because even though we wrapped Season 1 of the podcast two weeks ago, we just released a bonus episode last night. Why, because I felt like something was missing. And that something, was me. Let me explain. For those of you who have been loyal readers here, my…
Meet Sienna Brown of Las Morenas de España
Hello Meltingpot Readers, Yesterday on Instagram, I announced I would be heading back to Spain this summer for the first time in seven years. This will also be the first time our family of five has traveled to Spain together and I’m really excited. In addition, 2019 marks the 10-year anniversary of the paperback release…
ICYMI: SNL Finds Humor in Race and Pop Culture
Hello Meltingpot Readers, True confession, I don’t have time to watch television on a regular basis. Usually I catch up on the latest shows from social media coverage. I think of Twitter and Facebook as my Cliffs Notes for pop culture. So, I’m keeping up, just not in the traditional way. And please know, I…
Five Badass Women of Color to Celebrate on International Women’s Day
Hello Meltingpot Readers, Today is International Women’s Day and it’s Friday. Usually on Fridays I share some of my favorite things, so, in honor of women around the world, I thought I’d share five, historical, badass women of color who continue to inspire me with their passion, fierceness, bravery and spirit. I think once you…