Author: Lori Tharps
Princess Meghan Had her Baby!
Hello Meltingpot Readers, True confession. I’m too tired and overwhelmed to produce a decent blog post today. Why? Because I spent the entire weekend moving. Yep, our multigenerational experiment living with my parents failed. I’ll share that story in another post. In the meantime, while I continue to pack and unpack boxes and eat off…
MAMP Podcast Ep. #12:Parenting Healthy Mixed-Race Kids
Hello Meltingpot Readers, On episode 12 of My American Meltingpot, we’re having a conversation about how to raise healthy Mixed-Race children. That is, how do we make sure our children who are more than one race, and possibly more than one culture as well, grow up feeling confident with their sense of identity? How do…
Selling Your House While Black: Sadly, it’s a Thing
Hello Meltingpot Readers, If you’re a regular listener of the My American Meltingpot podcast, then you may have heard that I’m launching a new segment called, “Laugh or You’ll Cry.” In this segment, I will be sharing examples of peak racist white supremacist nonsense that passes as normal in our convoluted excuse of a just…
Meltingpot News Round-Up: Vogue, the Royal Mixie + Real Black Girl Magic
Hello Meltingpot Readers, I don’t know about you, but this week seemed to go by really fast. Maybe it’s because I’ve been hopped up on Easter candy this whole week? *shrugs* Or maybe it’s because I’m so excited to launch the My American Meltingpot book club. Regardless, I’ve compiled a list of diverse news you…
The My American Meltingpot Book Club is Almost Here!
Hello Meltingpot Readers, I am so excited! Next week, May 1, marks the official launch of the My American Meltingpot (MAMP) book club! On that Wednesday, I will officially announce the first selection for the club. As I mentioned in a previous post, the MAMP Book Club members will read books by authors of diverse…
Five Great Diverse Young Readers Series
Hello Meltingpot Readers, It goes without saying that I love reading. And I’ve tried to instill a similar love of literature in all three of my kids. So far, I think I’ve done a pretty good job, judging from the amount of books both of my teen boys consume on a weekly basis. These days,…
MAMP Podcast Ep. #11: Deconstructing White Supremacy
On episode 11 of the My American Meltingpot podcast, we’re dissecting and deconstructing white supremacy with the brilliant authors of the new book, How We Fight White Supremacy: A Field Guide to Black Resistance. Akiba Solomon and Kenrya Rankin, both editors at the news and culture website, Colorlines, join me for a profound discussion about…