Author: Lori Tharps
Meltingpot Winners!
Hello Meltingpot Readers, There’s so much Meltingpot news to share! Dragons in a Bag Winners I’m so excited to announce the two winners of my Dragons In a Bag Giveaway. The winners were randomly selected by babygirl and they are: 1)Leah and… 2) Rachel Cassady Plus, because I have two extra copies, we picked two…
Flashback Friday + A Giveaway: Dragons in a Bag
Hello Meltingpot Readers, Remember back in February of the is year when I had award-winning author, Zetta Elliott on the podcast to talk about diversity in children’s publishing? That was such a riveting episode and one of my favorites because Zetta is just an amazing storyteller – whether she’s talking about magical dragons in Brooklyn,…
Celebrate Diversity with Singer Laura Pausini
Hello Meltingpot Readers, One of my favorite hashtags to use on social media is #representationmatters. I’m also a big fan of #celebratediversity, as I’m sure you all know. But the thing is, these aren’t just meaningless hashtags to me. My whole life is a testament to diversity in action and I can’t help but notice…
#FlashbackFriday: That Time I Bought a Vitamix
Hello Meltingpot Readers, I’ve been blogging for more than a decade, which means not only do I have a lot of content stored up, it means I have a digital scrapbook chronicling some of the most important moments of my life. Buying a Vitamix wasn’t exactly one of those moments, but at the time, it…
Meltingpot Mondays: 3 Great Kids Books Full of Black Girl Magic
Hello Meltingpot Readers, This summer Babygirl (who turned eight in July) and I read some great books together. As usual, I always try to find books that feature diverse main characters. They don’t have to feature Black girls, but if they do, I’m extra happy. And I am always searching for books that feature Black…
#Flashback Friday: “Substitute Me” Debuts
Hello Meltingpot Readers, Even though I’m one week early, today I want to go back in time to 2010. Nine years ago, I officially became a novelist with the debut of my novel, Substitute Me. From the time I was a little girl, I dreamt of writing novels, but lacked the courage to pursue my…