Author: Lori Tharps
Black and Spanish? What about the Garifuna?
Hello Meltingpot Readers, Raise your hands if you know who the Garifuna people are? I’ll give you a moment to think about it. If you’re a longtime reader of this blog, you may remember a post from way back in 2015 where I wrote about the Garifuna, but I’ll forgive you if you don’t remember.…
MAMP Podcast Ep#18: Talking to Our Kids About Race
On episode 18 of My American Meltingpot, we’re talking about how and when to talk to our children about race. Let’s be clear, we’re not going to give you a color-by-numbers script on how to talk to your children about race because, first of all, we don’t know your children. We don’t know what race…
Diverse News Digest: Black hair, White Babies and IKEA
Hello Meltingpot Readers, Are you ready for your weekly dose of diverse news? This week’s news stories don’t disappoint when it comes to diversity. You may be enraged or inspired by what you read here, but you will most definitely be informed about what is keeping our world colorful. Enjoy! Dreadlocks on the Mat Remember…
Meet Jen Kinney from the “Speaking of Racism” Podcast
Hello Meltingpot Readers, I’m going to be introducing a new feature here on the Meltingpot; a Q&A with fascinating people who I think are totally Meltingpot. These are anti-racism activists, diversity divas, multicultural mamas, and other cool folks who deserve some extra shine, AND who I think you, dear readers, would love to know about.…
Sesame Street Debuts Diversity 50 Years Ago
Hello Meltingpot Readers, Did you know Sesame Street debuted 50 years ago in 1969? And as such, they are celebrating all year long in honor of their 50th anniversary. I don’t have little ones in the house anymore to watch Sesame Street, but apparently Sesame Workshop is launching a whole bunch of initiatives in honor…
Get Ready for the Debut of Mixed-ish!
Hello Meltingpot Readers, With two popular -Ish shows under their belts, ABC is about to debut one more new series based on their popular and on-point comedy, Black-ish. The new show is called Mixed-ish and it is the origin story of the Mixed-Race mom on Black-ish, Rainbow Johnson (played by Tracee Ellis-Ross). The series is…
MAMP Ep.#17: Live from the Respect Women’s Podcast Festival
Welcome back for Season 3 of the My American Meltingpot podcast! Our logo is a little more colorful and so are we. Episode 17 is a little bit different and a whole lot of fun. I recorded this episode in front of a live audience at the Respect Women’s Podcast Festival in Philadelphia on August…
MAMP Fall Book Club Pick: The Other Americans by Laila Lalami
Hello Meltingpot Readers. I am so absolutely thrilled to announce the next selection for the My American Meltingpot Book Club. If you recall, in the MAMP book club: “We read books by authors of diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds who tell stories that explore cross-cultural connections. Books are selected because of the quality of the…