Author: Lori Tharps
Can Brown People be Racist?
Hello Meltingpot Community, Can Brown people be racist? I don’t have a definitive answer for you, but I sure would like to take a moment to discuss. In the last week, I’ve seen two Brown people get dragged for their anti-Black antics. First, it was Latina actress, Gina Rodriguez, who posted a video of herself…
MAMP Podcast Ep# 20: Real Stories about Race and Racism in Spain
On episode 20 of the podcast, we’re taking a nuanced look at race and racism in Spain as it relates to Black people. We’re going back to Spain for Part II of my audio memoir. Just to recap, on the last episode, it was all about Spain’s hidden Black history. Or rather, how Spain’s hidden…
How to Teach Your Kids About Indigenous People
Hello Meltingpot Community, Not too long ago, babygirl said to me, “Mommy, are Native Americans real?” My heart dropped and I immediately thought, “What have I done wrong? How have I failed my child so miserably that she thinks Native Americans are mythical beings?” I literally spent the next two hours re-explaining American history to…
Friday Favorites: The Who Was? Show on Netflix
Hello Meltingpot Community. It’s Friday, so I get to share with you a new favorite of mine, Netflix’s The Who Was? Show. It’s a series that babygirl (who is now eight years old, so I should really stop referring to her as babygirl, but I’m not ready for that so, let’s just continue…) introduced me…
MAMP Q&A: Diedre Anthony of “Are Those Your Kids?”
Hello Meltingpot Community, It’s Monday and I have another Q&A with an amazing meltingpot mom and content creator. Diedre Anthony is a school counselor, farmer’s wife, and mother to three biracial children. She resides in South Georgia and has an obsession for office supplies, curly hair products and shoes. On her blog Are Those Your…
I Want to Hear from You & A Giveaway Too!
Hello Meltingpot Community, I’m always thinking of ways to make this blog a better resource for you, my readers, and I’d like to take this opportunity to hear from you. Think of it as a time for some audience feedback. Rather than me making changes based on what I think you’d like to read about…
MAMP Podcast Ep #19: Spain’s Hidden Black History
On this episode of the podcast, you’re going to hear the fascinating story of Spain’s hidden Black history! Episode 19 is a little different from previous episodes. It’s actually Part 1 of a two-part series about life in Spain for Black people. Part 1 is all about Spain’s mostly unknown Black history and Part 2…
Flashback Friday: The Capital B Campaign
Hello Meltingpot Readers, I can’t believe five years have passed. Yes, it’s been almost five years since I penned that opinion piece in the New York Times, advocating for the capital B when writing about Black Americans. But yes, it was November 18, 2014 that the world learned how I really felt about living in…