Author: Lori Tharps
Your Anti-Racism Action Plan – Starts Now!
Hello Meltingpot Community, It’s day 56,000 of the global pandemic and day seven of our new world order. Yes, America is turned upside down and inside out and we’re all just trying to figure out what to do, what not to do, what to say, who to say it to… I feel you Meltingpot Community.…
Lori is Going Live Today at 4pm! Let’s Talk About this Moment
Hello Meltingpot Community, I have so much to say about this moment we’re in right now in the United States, I decided to go Live on Instagram today at 4pmEST to share my thoughts and feelings. Please feel free to tune in if you want to hear what I have to say and/or ask me…
Ep# 39: Dear White People, You Must Fix Your Racism Problem
On Episode 39 of the My American Meltingpot podcast, I explain my agenda for white America in light of recent events in New York City and Minneapolis. Essentially, it’s time for white people to fix America’s race problem. Here’s a taste of what you’ll hear on this incredibly important Meltingpot Minute. Black Lives Matter…
Can A Vegetarian Lifestyle Save the Planet?
Hello Meltingpot Community, I’ve been thinking a lot about food lately. Why? Because living through a global pandemic with three children – two ginormous teen boys and a deceptively small, eight-year-old with a massive appetite – has me preparing food, cooking food, and shopping for food on a 24-hour cycle that seems unrelenting. Luckily, I…
How Morocco Inspired My Multicultural Lifestyle
Hello Meltingpot Community, Do you ever stop to think why you are the way you are? I don’t mean a deep dive into your DNA or blaming your mother for the reason you scream at your kids too much. I’m talking about pinpointing those defining moments in your life that somehow altered your understanding of…