Hello Meltingpot Readers,
I have some news.
I’m launching a new blog and podcast called, Read, Write and Create. Read, Write and Crate is a passion project come to life. For those who have been rocking with me here on MAMP since the beginning, you know how much I love books, reading, writing and all things literary, so my new venture should not come as a shocking surprise.
A Sanctuary for BIPOC Writers

I’m calling Read, Write & Create an online sanctuary for BIPOC writers and the readers who love them. On the blog and on the RW&C podcast, I’ll be sharing content to educate and motivate BIPOC writers in their writing lives. I will also be sharing original and entertaining content about the publishing industry, author profiles, and my new favorite hobby, literary travel. One of the unique things I will also be doing via this platform is also reaching back in time to share the inspiring lives of our literary foremothers and forefathers as a source of guidance and inspiration for our contemporary writing lives. Check out the trailer for the new podcast to hear more.
The Future of My American Meltingpot
So, what does this mean for My American Meltingpot? This blog isn’t going anywhere. The Meltingpot has been my home base for so long, I can’t imagine shuttering it. At least not for now. But I can’t say I will be posting here regularly for the next little bit of time, as I’m focusing on Read, Write and Create. If you want to keep up with me and my adventures, please feel free to follow me on Instagram and/or sign up for my newsletter if you haven’t already. I will be launching some new writing workshops in the early spring and being on my email list means you’ll be the first to know about those workshops, as well as my new services as a creative writing coach.
Wrapping Up 2022
Before I go all in with Read, Write and Create, I do have to finish working on two ghostwriting book projects that I have been working on since the summer. Both books will be released in 2023, so the deadlines have been crazy and I’ve barely lifted my head up for air. One deadline is slated for December 15, the other is due on Christmas Eve! Yikes!.
After those two projects are finished, I will be enjoying my family for the holidays. My eldest son and my mother will both be with us in Spain. I bought my first piece of real furniture, a dining room table, so the six of us can eat a holiday dinner without someone having to stand and eat at the kitchen counter. Buying a table makes me feel like I’m really going to live in Spain for real. We’re about halfway through our second year and it still feels like we just got here, but I am loving the adventure.
I hope you are all planning some rest and rejoicing for the holidays, whatever winter holidays you celebrate; Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, The Winter Solstice.
Enjoy and Blessings to you all.