Friday Favorites: The Who Was? Show on Netflix

Hello Meltingpot Community.

It’s Friday, so I get to share with you a new favorite of mine, Netflix’s The Who Was? Show. It’s a series that babygirl (who is now eight years old, so I should really stop referring to her as babygirl, but I’m not ready for that so, let’s just continue…) introduced me to a few weeks ago and I love it!

Based on the popular Who Was? book series, the Who Was? Show is a Netflix original and brings historical figures to life through sketch comedy. And while the show is geared to young viewers, el esposo and I LOVE IT! We watch with babygirl on the weekends and cackle our way through the entire show. But even better, we actually learn things too about history. The premise is pretty basic, on each episode the cast selects two historic figures to profile, say Benjamin Franklin and Ghandi, and for the next 30 minutes we learn about these characters’ lives and claim to fame. Sometimes there’s a dance competition and there is also a talking dog that helps tell the story. And bonus, sometimes Hollywood celebrities stop by the show as well.

It’s totally zany, but it totally works. Babygirl is totally into history now, so much so she almost cried real fan girl tears last weekend when we went to a revolutionary war reenactment and we met “Ben Franklin.” She was so excited to meet him and talk about how he discovered electricity. And thanks to the Who Was? Show, she totally knew that the whole kite in a lightning storm thing was a myth.

Does it Pass the Meltingpot Test?

Dear readers, you know I only stan for products that pass the meltingpot test, especially when it comes to educational resources about history. Not only do I appreciate the fact that the Who Was? Show profiles important people of color like Frida Kahlo, King Tut, Louis Armstrong and George Washington Carver, they also have a diverse cast of teens playing these roles and coloblind casting is totally the rule. Also, it’s not uncommon to see girls playing male roles and vice versa.

If I haven’t been clear enough, I’ll say it again. I love the Who Was? Show. Babygirl loves the Who Was? Show. And I bet you’ll love it too. So far there’s only one season of the show and that was released in 2018. We still have a few more episodes to watch, but I really hope they make another season soon.

It turns out the Who Was? Show was not renewed for a second season. *major sad face* BUT, the Who Was? Show has a loyal fan base and someone has started a Change.Org petition to get the show renewed. You know I signed. Watch the show and hopefully you’ll take a moment to sign it too. Here’s the link to the petition. Stay tuned to the Meltingpot because I’ll keep you posted on whether or not the show gets renewed for a second season. Fingers crossed. And don’t forget, you can always stock up on Who Was? books for your young history buffs as well.


P.S. Don’t forget to leave me your thoughts about what you’d like to see more of here on the blog. Leave me a comment before 8pm tonight and you’ll be entered to win a super handy, My American Meltingpot tote bag!


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