I’m a “Sucker” for the Jonas Brothers Colorful New Video

Hello Meltingpot Readers,

Because I know you trust me to bring you the latest pop culture news, analyzed through a pop culture lens, I try to stay plugged into the new and next. But sometimes, I miss things. That’s why I’m happy I live with two teenagers who keep me posted on what the young people are into these days.

The Jonas Brothers are Back

Case in point: The Jonas Brothers have gotten back together, have a new single out called Sucker and are about to release a new album. Because my boys know all about my Meltingpot values, they told me I HAD to watch the video for Sucker. In fact, they were kind of surprised that I hadn’t seen it already. If you haven’t seen it either, catch up.


Colorful Media Matters

What’s so meltingpot about the  video for Sucker? Well, for one, it’s just all full of color, colorful clothing, background and colorful people. But the best part is that Priyanka Chopra, aka Mrs. Nick Jonas is in the video. It’s true the wives of all three Jonas brothers star in the video, but considering Nick and Priyanka are the most recently married and Priyanka is an A-list star in her own right, her appearance is quite noteworthy. In fact, I noticed a lot of online chatter about the video from “Desi” women who were thrilled to see an Indian woman front and center in such a mainstream / All-American/ white boy band video. That made me smile too. It also made me smile to see a Black woman at the dinner table scene in the video with a wild Afro. You see her only two times, but she is clearly seen.

I am always standing on my diversity soap box talking about the importance of imagery in combating racism and stereotypes. It is important that we see ourselves – people of color, Black women with natural hair, people in interracial relationships etc. – being held up as objects of affection, as examples of beauty, as power brokers. Moreover, in order for the gatekeepers of pop culture productions to shift their own thinking, it’s important for them to see us in those ways too. Clearly the Jonas Brothers’ new video isn’t going to defeat racism or upend all racial stereotypes, but it is one wonderfully colorful contribution – with a catchy hook to boot – that can push us in the right direction.

What do you think of the video? You know I’m listening.


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