Please Give to MAMP podcast Kickstarter campaign

Kickstarting the MAMP Podcast

Hello Meltingpot Readers,

Mamp Podcast on Racist Technology
This is our latest episode available now on the podcast.

I need your help. As you all know, I launched the My American Meltingpot podcast last month on November 23. We now have two episodes, plus the trailer available and our third episode will be released on December 21st. Things are moving so fast!

It’s crazy to me that one year ago, I didn’t even know what podcasts were, and now I have my own show. But even though I was late to the game, I totally understand why podcasts are the perfect medium to share ideas and stories. People generally listen to podcasts when they are alone – like in the car or while walking the dog – where they can truly concentrate on the message they’re hearing. And, as noted in this Atlantic article, audio storytelling is one of the most intimate forms of media. As a journalist who wants to challenge the way Americans view race, ethnicity, culture and identity, I see the podcast as a powerful tool I must add to my storytelling repertoire. (Also, I’ve always secretly fantasized about having my own NPR radio show so…big plus for dreams becoming reality.) 

Kickstarting the Podcast!

Of course, the podcast has to offer compelling content and quality sound or else people won’t want to listen. And that’s why I launched a Kickstarter campaign to help fund the first season of the MAMP podcast. Real talk, I don’t have the skill set to edit, produce and promote my own podcast on a level I’d be proud to share with the public. I had to hire some super talented professionals to get my show ready for prime time. And that costs money. (The specifics of how the money will be spent is on the Kickstarter page.) 

The plan is to crowdfund the first season, then approach advertisers and/or sponsors for the second and subsequent seasons. So, here’s where you come in, dear readers.

Your Part in My Podcast

If you feel compelled to make a donation for the campaign, please do so and know that any amount counts. Even $1. We only need to raise $5,500, so I’m confident that if everyone from the Meltingpot community gives just a little, we’ll totally get there. But maybe money is tight right now. Maybe you don’t feel like whipping out your credit card. That’s totally cool. But at the very least, would you consider sharing a link to our Kickstarter campaign with your network of friends or family? Spreading the word is just as important as donating. 

Please note, whatever help you can provide, I’ll be singing this song in my head whenever I think about you. For reals.  

Meltingpot Readers, you are all the wind beneath my wings!

Thank you in advance, dear readers! I appreciate each and every one of you.


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