Lori L Tharps at Blogher18

Why I Blog: Reflections After BlogHer 2018

Hello Meltingpot Readers,

Lori L Tharps at Blogher18
Ms. Meltingpot, Lori Tharps at Blogher18 in New York.
I apologize for not posting on Wednesday, but I was at the BlogHer blogging conference on Wednesday and Thursday and didn’t have time to write. Instead, I was getting my own dose of inspiration and information to bring back to My American Meltingpot. Let me just say, it was a whirlwind two days, dedicated to empowering women to use their voices to change the world. We got the message loud and clear from everyone from celebrities (Gabrielle Union, Amy Schumer) to CEOs, politicians (Senator Kirsten Gillibrand) to YouTube stars. Basically, women are going to have to step up and stand up to the patriarchal power structure that is currently destroying every ounce of civility and justice in our society. Yeah, it’s kind of a tall order, but there’s no other option.

With those marching orders, I left on a high note, believing I was really doing something important by re-launching My American Meltingpot, but by the time I arrived home, I was tired. I thought about everything I wanted to do with this blog – launch a podcast, incorporate video, get better at SEO, create a store – and started to feel overwhelmed. I have a full-time job. I have three kids. I have a naughty labradoodle with a bad chewing habit. How could I even contemplate creating a blog that’s going to change the world? And despite all of the pretty, pink hype that I just witnessed at BlogHer, could a blog really change the world anyway?

Dear readers, I had to take to my couch. I have a pink suede couch in my home office and I gave myself permission to throw myself down on it and just think. I tried to remember what I wanted to do with My American Meltingpot in the first place. As I lay there, thankfully it came back to me. I wanted to create a media outlet that I wished already existed, one that specialized in pop culture, parenting and identity politics from a multicultural perspective. My life is pretty diverse and I wanted a media product that reflected that diversity.

There’s a saying that “if you build it they will come,” and my hope in creating The Meltingpot was that if I built this product, people like me, who appreciate a world full of cultural co-mingling, would find their way here. After the 2016 presidential election, my Meltingpot mission took on a new urgency because of the rise in hate speech, racial violence and ignorant policy making by elected officials. The need for a Meltingpot community became impossible to ignore. I needed it and I knew so many people out in the world needed it too.

Rainbows mean diversity
At the end of the first day at BlogHer, God painted a rainbow in the sky. I’ll take that as a sign to keep blogging. #LiveLifeinColor

So, I will not be daunted by the tasks ahead. I will keep building, maybe a little slower than I’d like, but I will use my voice to change the world, because I know I can. I think of My American Meltingpot as an antidote to the common, one-dimensional narrative being presented by the mainstream media that we are a country divided by race and ethnicity. Yes, there are divisions, but there is a lot of unity going on as well. I want this blog to grow so my message – that there is power in diversity – is amplified. Will the message always be pretty? No. Sometimes we have to tear down so that we can lift up, but I’m not afraid to go all in if necessary.

I got this.

Are you still with me? I hope so.



4 responses to “Why I Blog: Reflections After BlogHer 2018”

  1. Thanks for your inspiring post, Lori! That sounds like a conference I’d like to attend next year. Your media idea is fabulous.

    Gracias, Rebecca

    1. Lori Tharps Avatar
      Lori Tharps

      Thanks, Rebecca! I appreciate your support. And BlogHer is a great conference.

  2. Barbara Avatar

    Yay Lori! Yes, we’re with you 100%! You can do it – but remember, if you have to skip a post sometimes, don’t beat yourself up. Be kind to yourself! We’ll be happy to take what you can give, when you can give.
    love, Barbara (and see you soon!!!)

    1. Lori Tharps Avatar
      Lori Tharps

      Thank you, Barbara. I really needed to hear that. I am so happy you follow me here and are such a champion of all of my work.

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