Hello Meltingpot Readers,

Tomorrow is my Blogaversary. On April 10, 2006, I wrote my very first blog post. I didn’t know exactly what I was doing, but I was happy to have an outlet for all of my thoughts and ideas that revolved around race, culture, family and Black hair.
Looking back, I realize how much came from that initial blog. First of all, my audience grew from my mom and el esposo to an average of more than 4000 unique views a month, with readers hailing from the United States mostly, but also places like Spain, the UK and South Africa.
My readers watched me go through the writing of two books, one aborted international adoption, the birth of #babygirl and getting a job as a journalism professor at Temple University. My blog was partially to thank for getting that job, and my blog was also part of the reason I got to write my first op-ed piece in The New York Times. And if weren’t for the loyal readers of the Meltingpot, I never would have believed I had an audience for my last book, Same Family, Different Colors. So, thanks, loyal readers!
Now, here we are twelve years later. There were many times I thought about shutting the lights on the Meltingpot and I had many distractions which kept me from my keyboard, but I’m so glad to be back. These trying political times have inspired me to add my voice to the national conversation about race, identity, culture and parenting. I want to be a source of information for people who want to be in the know, but are looking for a more diverse perspective on issues going on in our world. I also want the Meltingpot to be an online destination where people can come for entertainment and inspiration, a suggestion for a new book or movie, a vacation destination or just for a laugh. I got you covered, dear readers.
Of course I’m always interested in what you have to say as well. As I embark upon the next twelve years of blogging, I’d love to hear from any of you. What are you looking for on the Meltingpot? Is there anything you’d like to see more of? You know I’m listening and taking notes. And in the meantime, if you like the information I share here on the blog, consider following My American Meltingpot on Facebook and Twitter because I’m always sharing the latest meltingpot news and information on those platforms as well.
Thanks again, loyal readers. Please eat a Korean taco today to celebrate the Meltingpot.
Happy Blogaversary to me!