#FridayFavorites: Chris Rock’s Tamborine

Hi Meltingpot Readers,

It’s Friday! That means I share something that’s making me happy that hopefully might make you happy too. Lord knows we need some happy right now given what’s happening in this country right now.

Last night, el esposo and I watched Chris Rock’s Netflix special, Tamborine, even though it was a school night. I’ve always been a fan of Rock’s stand-up – can’t say the same about his acting career – because he’s usually always on point with his political and cultural commentary. Even if I don’t agree with everything he says, he always makes me think. And laugh. I laughed a lot during Tamborine, dear readers. And both el esposo and I found ourselves nodding along on many of the subjects he touched on, from police brutality, to what it takes to make a marriage survive. Rock spilled a lot about his own failed marriage and the pain of his divorce and decided he could use that pain to get some laughs and offer up some words of warning about what NOT to do in a relationship.

Check it out if you have Netflix. Let me know what you think. Meanwhile, el esposo and I have both committed to playing our tamborines with smiles on our face.

Enjoy the weekend!



4 responses to “#FridayFavorites: Chris Rock’s Tamborine”

  1. THANKS for the commentary/endorsement. I recently read an interview where Chris Rock was very candid about the depths he had fallen emotionally as a result of his failed marriage… for which he honestly blamed himself, & he mentioned the upcoming “Special”. I’ve been keeping my eyes peeled for it, so I’ll have to check it out! “Hello!”, to you, El Esposo, & your’s… ❤

    1. Ms. Meltingpot Avatar
      Ms. Meltingpot

      Thanks, Pam!
      It was pretty clear that he Rock was “going deep” for a comedy special when he spoke about his marriage and divorce. Of course, I’m wondering how his ex-wife is feeling about him going so public with what must be their shared pain. Hmmm. Thanks for sharing your comments on The Meltingpot.

  2. It’s nice to see around again! Thank you for this recommendation!

    1. Ms. Meltingpot Avatar
      Ms. Meltingpot

      Hi Wendy,
      Thanks for your comment. I’m so happy people are still stopping by the Meltingpot! I hope you enjoy Tamborine if you get a chance to watch it.

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