Tag: Interracial Relationships

  • Wednesday Round-Up: Mississippi is Mixing it Up, Disgrasians and Black Dolls

    Hi Meltingpot Readers, Today I’m introducing a new feature here on the Meltingpot, *drum roll please* ‘Wednesday Round-Up.’ From now on, Wednesday’s posts will feature a collection of stories from around the blogosphere that I think are worthy of a Meltingpot mention. They might be hilarious or horrific, I’ll let you decide (and comment upon).…

  • Mixed Messages for Mixed Families

    Everybody and their mother sent me a link to this story in the New York Times about the continuing struggles with acceptance and racism experienced by multiracial families. The stares. The hostility. The questions. Yep, it all comes with the territory. Coincidentally, the other day, babygirl and I were at the local dollar store, buying paper towel…

  • Archie Goes Black!

    Archie Comics played an important role in my childhood. I wasn’t big into comics as a genre, but I read every single Archie comic I could get my hands on. Keeping up with the trials and tribulations of Archie, Betty, Veronica, Jughead and Reggie, satisfied my pre-adolescent need for romance, drama and adventure. For me,…

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