Tag: Books
My First Book ReBorn
Hi Meltingpot Readers, In case you’ve been wondering what I’ve been up to — besides my usual combination of teaching, parenting and blogging — and you want to know how I’ll be spending the next two months of my life, I can now officially report that I’ll be writing the updated version of my first…
“The Black Russian”…No, Really I said, Black Russian
Hi Meltingpot Readers, El esposo and I had to dash into Brooklyn today to get our taxes done. Yes, we still drive 90 miles to New York City to get our taxes done because we love, love, love our accountant. We usually end up making a nice day of it and show the kids all…
‘Beyond the Possible’ Book Review: Let the Church Say Amen!
Hello Meltingpot Readers, How many of you have ever heard of the Glide Memorial Methodist Church ? Apparently it’s an incredibly famous progressive Methodist church in the ‘crime ridden’ Tenderloin district of San Francisco and on any given Sunday their sanctuary is filled with the neighborhood’s most down-trodden alongside social activist celebrities like Bono and Danny…
Black History Month: It’s Not Just for Black People Anymore
Hello Meltingpot Readers, In honor of Black History Month, I’m reposting one of my favorite ‘articles’ from my original blog. I’ve added some minor updates in italics. I hope you enjoy! ************************************************************************ February is a busy month in my home. My birthday is in February, so is el esposo‘s. So is my dad’s, which coincidentally is…
Wednesday Round-Up: Finding Zion, Fried Chicken and Black Women in Britain.
Hi Meltingpot Readers, It’s Wednesday, I’ve searched the web, so you don’t have to. Let’s get to those tasty, new links. 1. Check out this quickie but quirky interview with novelist turned memoir writer, Emily Raboteau. Her new book, Searching for Zion is travelogue, crossed with journalism, mixed with memoir. In the book, Raboteau travels…
Why I Write: Meet Remington
Hello Meltingpot Readers, For those of you who have been following my blog since way back when or have read my memoir, Kinky Gazpacho, or any other personal essay I’ve penned, then you know I’ve always loved to read and write. Every since I was a little girl, I’ve been writing stories, plays, manifestos, and…
Wednesday Round-Up: Acts of Kindness, Dominican Paradise, Racial Profiling
Hi Meltingpot Readers, Today is Wednesday so that means I’m sending your hither and yon through cyberspace to read some of the best or worst of what mankind has to offer a week before Christmas. So, let’s get to it. 1. Ann Curry, formerly of the Today Show, has decided to DO SOMETHING to honor…