Hello Meltingpot Community,
Guess what today is? It’s my birthday! *cue the horns* And since my next rotation around the sun is so close to the beginning of the new year, I look at my birthday as the time to really dive into my resolutions.
My mantra for my new year, after the dumpster fire that was 2020 is, “I’m not afraid to make radical changes.” After experiencing a global pandemic, an anti-racism uprising, and an attempted coup, all in one year, I felt like radical change was in order. Don’t we all need a reset? In addition, this year of disaster and despair proved to me that time is not promised to anyone. So, if there is anything I want to accomplish in this one single life that I have been given, I better do it now.
So, what kind of “radical changes” am I planning for 2021? I’m glad you asked. Here are three things I’m changing in my life,
1. The Podcast
As many of you know, I completely changed the focus of my podcast from talking about race and racism, to talking about multicultural books. For almost my entire 20-year career as a journalist and writer, I felt it was my responsibility to fix America’s racism problem. Well, I have officially given myself permission to press pause on saving the world and instead pursue my passions. I love reading, writing and talking about books, so I want to use my platform to talk about what brings me joy, rather than what brings me pain. I’m only two episodes into the new version of the show, but I already love doing a podcast all about books. And that’s how I know that this change has been good.

2. Leaving My 9-to-5
I’m retiring. I know, I’m not that old, but I am retiring from my position as a journalism professor. This is a huge radical change, but that’s what this year is about, right? True confession, I’ve always wanted to be a novelist. I became a journalist because I could be a writer, but still have a profession to turn to for a paycheck. I’ve loved my journalism career as well as working as a journalism professor. I love teaching and I love my students, but I am ready to throw my whole self into developing a full-time writing career. This requires a lot of trust in my skills and my talents, which isn’t always easy, but I’m using positive affirmations, vision boards and podcasts – like Flourish in the Foreign and She Hit Refresh – to remind me that this idea I have for myself is possible.
3. Moving Abroad
Saved the best for last. Yes, in order to be a full-time writer, I need a cheaper place to live with affordable heath care and affordable options for college for my children. So, we’re moving to Spain! El esposo is ready to go home, after living in this country for more than 20 years, and so I said, let’s go! Radical change doesn’t get any more radical than this, right? The other dream I’ve carried with me, since childhood, is that I’ve always wanted to live abroad. The dream was, actually, become a writer and travel the world. I got the writer part down, now I just need to take flight. So, I’m taking off!
Scared but Doing It Anyway
Am I scared about all of these radical changes? Absolutely. (I was even afraid to post this entry here on the blog, because once I make it public, there’s no turning back.) But am I going to do it anyway? As long as the stars align and I have breath in this body, yes. Stay tuned to the blog for more updates as we prepare for this journey to move to Spain. And feel free to ask any questions in the comments below. Encouraging words and tips for moving a family abroad are also encouraged!
14 responses to “Radical Changes after a Radical Year”
Thanks Lori! Where’s the best place to check for updates?
Hi Jenn,
I’m not 100% sure, but you should join the American Expats in Spain group on Facebook. You can ask all your questions there and get a good selection of answers! I find it to be a very useful resource.
Most appreciated. Thank you.
Congratulations on your move to Spain! We lived for a while in Valencia, many moons ago, now we are based in SW France. Spain is like a second (3rd??) home for us, and I found your highlights about BlackinSpain quite funny! Don’t hesitate to get in touch after your move! p.s., pack all the curly haircare products your luggage can hold!
Thank you, Serena! And good tip on the hair products!
Congratulations!! Happy move and welcome to Europe 🙂 Let me know where you end up…
PS I found that it was definitely worth moving my books by container, don’t purge too much (seems against all trends, but I know you love books as much as I do) xox Olivia
Thank you, Olivia! And I am not giving up my books. My furniture? Maybe, but not the book. I appreciate the tip.
Wow Lori, How exciting… and I’m excited for you & your family😊💕 You’ll have to keep us posted on your progress! Please know you are in our prayers! Blessings to each of you 🤗❣
Thank you so much!!! I appreciate all the blessings people send our way.
Ooops… typo! My name is Surinder.
I am also wanting to live in Spain part-time. I have the wheels in motion, too. Where in Spain are you moving to? Good luck! It sounds fantastic… I am so jealous!
Hello Surindee,
Thank you! And good luck on your plans. We will definitely be somewhere in the south of Spain.
So excited for you! My family and I would love to do the same! Can Americans now travel to Spain?
Thank you, Jenn. I don’t think Americans are allowed in yet. But I’d keep checking because things are constantly changing.