Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are New Parents

Princess Meghan Had her Baby!

Hello Meltingpot Readers,

True confession. I’m too tired and overwhelmed to produce a decent blog post today. Why? Because I spent the entire weekend moving. Yep, our multigenerational experiment living with my parents failed. I’ll share that story in another post. In the meantime, while I continue to pack and unpack boxes and eat off of paper plates, why don’t you all celebrate and rejoice in the news from across the pond.

It’s a Boy!

Princess Meghan and Prince Harry Are New Parents
Congrats to the new parents!

Princess Meghan gave birth to a healthy baby boy! You can get all the details in this BuzzFeed story that includes links to the couple’s official messages and a video of Prince Harry gushing about his new child. Or you can read this article from NPR which offers more background about the couple and their plans for how they will handle the public scrutiny of their impending parenthood.

And finally, you know the royal madness wouldn’t be complete without conversations about what the first royal mixed baby will actually look like and how he will be treated. Check out this think piece about the issue. And FYI, one of the experts quoted in the articles is Sharon H. Chang, who appears on our most recent episode of the MAMP podcast where we discussed parenting mixed-race children. Crazy coincidence.

So, wish me luck dear readers that my move continues without incident. And wish Princess Meghan luck with this next amazing phase of her life. By the way, they haven’t announced any names yet. What would you name Meghan and Harry’s baby? Go ahead, I’m listening.


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