Moving Abroad but not a Blaxit

Travel Call: Where Are You Going this Summer?

Hello Meltingpot Readers,

As you read these words, imagine me in a car heading home from a quick road trip to Detroit. (FYI: Quick means nine hours both ways.) What was Ms. Meltingpot doing in Detroit? Dropping Son #1 off for a three-week, pre-college program at the College of Creative Studies. Son #1 one wants to be an artist, so this is how he’s spending the summer. Pretty cool.

Lori L Tharps
This is me on a beach. This is not me right now. This is the me I wish I could be this summer, but I can’t. *sob*
What’s not so cool, is that Son #2 is spending his summer at a camp in Indiana, so two weeks ago, I was driving from Philly to Indiana. At the end of the month, I’ll be driving back to pick them both up, Philly, Indiana, Detroit and back. Sounds like fun, right? Not! This summer is all about my boys’ enrichment, which is cool. That’s what moms do, but it also means, I’m NOT traveling this summer…except back and forth across the country as a glorified Uber driver.

Last summer I was in London (sigh). So, dear readers, cheer Ms. Meltingpot up. Tell me where you’re heading this summer? What kind of travel plans do you have? Post in the comments so I can vicariously live your life. Thank you!


2 responses to “Travel Call: Where Are You Going this Summer?”

  1. Wendy G. Avatar
    Wendy G.

    I went to Spain in May.

    1. Lori Tharps Avatar
      Lori Tharps

      Oh the jealousies! I hope you had fun!!!

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