Hello Meltingpot Readers,
When I started this blog way back in 2006 ( I think), my lofty intentions were to create an online publication that showcased the ways that people of different cultures came together instead of clashed. I felt the mainstream media was doing a fine enough job covering discord and strife between different cultural groups and I wanted The Meltingpot to be the antidote, seeing as how my very own life flew in the face of racial animosity and conflict between cultures.
Sadly, I’ve strayed from that initial mission and have been sucked into the vortex of cultural crisis reporting. I’m so done. I’ve decided to go back to my roots with this blog and do my best to highlight some more positive examples of different cultures coming together. It’s not going to be all unicorns and glitter, but I am going to make an effort to be a shining light in the endless news of the dismal and depressing when it comes to race in America.
Trust, I won’t turn a blind eye to injustice, but I will be looking for the other side of the “racism rules the world” story.
Enjoy and you’re welcome!