Let’s begin by acknowledging that Rachel Dolezal belongs in a Gillian Flynn novel. If Gillian Flynn wants to write a sequel to Gone Girl, where the main character fakes, not her death, but her race, thanks to Rachel, all the lies, trickery and fake hair machinations have already been figured out. And I’m sure Gillian would write a far better ending than the real Rachel has so far, which has been to offer lame excuses for her preposterous lies. The woman claimed she was born in a teepee, was beaten like a slave and that her adopted Black brother was actually her own child. Those are the lies we know for sure. As the saga unfolds, I am sure more lies will surface. And then of course, there’s the big, enormous lie about her being Black. And that’s the big, enormous lie I believe we should discuss.
Coincidentally, the day before #NotBlackRachel-gate erupted, I had just seen the documentary film, Little White Lie. In the movie, filmmaker Lacey Schwartz explains how she grew up believing she was White, despite the fact that she had brown skin and kinky hair, unlike either of her parents. As it turns out, Schwartz’s mother had had an affair with a Black man but never told her daughter, her husband or any of her family members. What makes the film and Lacey’s story so compelling is that despite her obvious Black features, everybody in her family and mostly White community bought into this “little white lie.” When she entered high school in a more diverse community however, Black people immediately caught on that this girl had to be Black, but it still took four more years for Lacey to learn the truth about her heritage.
As I work on my current book, Same Family, Different Colors , I am constantly learning how significant skin color and hair texture can be in determining a person’s identity. One can be too dark to be considered beautiful and Asian. A person can be too light to be authentically Black. And yet, even though simple gradations of skin tone can alter the way a person of color is treated within their own community and by society at large, people like Lacey Schwartz and Rachel Dolezal seem to suggest that skin color is irrelevant when claiming identity. And if not irrelevant, it certainly is not the main determinant in racial categorization.
Lacey Schwartz has brown skin and curly hair, but for 18 years lived as a White person and experienced the privilege that Whiteness confers. Even today, living as a Black woman, she still feels she maintains some of that privilege. Rachel Dolezal changed her hair and darkened her skin but not in an extreme way, but just enough. But I would posit that it wasn’t her external appearance that guaranteed that people would accept her claim to Blackness. It was simply because she claimed she was Black. She said it, she claimed it, so people believed it. Black people come in all shades so why couldn’t she be just a light-skinned Black woman? As Schwartz proved in her film, even if it’s hard to believe, people generally don’t question a person’s stated racial identity. Look at the actress Rashida Jones, the author Lise Funderburg, or hairstylist and entrepreneur Anthony Dickey. They don’t read as Black, but they all have a Black parent. So, why couldn’t Rachel be one more? That’s the world we live in today.
I don’t care to try to get inside of Rachel Dolezal’s head to understand why she did what she did. But I also don’t think it’s very odd for a White person to want to be Black. Everything Black people do is imitated and appropriated by people all over the world. Our hairstyles, fashion, music, language, religious expression, even the narrative of our struggle is co-opted and embraced by others. Despite the fact that we are publicly abused, shamed, demonized, and killed on city streets, there is no other culture in the world more imitated than Black American culture. I get it. I get why someone might feel an affinity to Black culture and want to not only admire it but claim it, be a part of it, be embraced by its members, not just be an ally or a friend. In other words, not be an outsider looking in but a member of the tribe. Who wouldn’t want that? But at the end of the day, as I learned in the first grade, we don’t get to try on different ethnic identities like new fashion trends.
To me, if Rachel Dolezal had a lifetime membership to a tanning salon, permed her hair, married a Black man named Tyrone, sang in the church choir at the local AME church and named her children Jamal and Kenya, that would be fine. It would be clear she felt most comfortable in the Black community but she would still be White. And honestly, some people might assume she was part Black simply because of her actions, and in that way, without lying on any forms or inventing ancestors that don’t exist, Dolezal could have passed for Black as many people do today who either have ambiguous features or because of their lifestyle. But there is a major difference between committing yourself to a community you feel an affinity for and co-opting a culture and living a lie. You can’t invent a history without expecting the truth to come and bite you in the ass one day. Lies are just lies and they destroy families and other people’s lives. Just ask Lacey Schwartz. The “little white lie” her mother told destroyed her nuclear family and the close relationship she had with her father.
At the end of the day, I think Rachel Dolezal is an interesting character who probably has some mental health issues she should take care of. But I do understand a White woman wanting to be Black so badly, she’d lie about it. Personally, I thank God all the time I came wrapped up in this fine brown packaging. But if there is a takeaway from this whole episode, a teachable moment if you will, then it is to ponder the fluidity of racial categorization and identity markers. I’m not saying that we need to find a different way to define Blackness, because in my mind that’s pretty damn clear. You have to be born Black to be Black. And Black is not about the color of your skin, it means you have “recent” ancestors from Africa. That’s scientific. But from a visual standpoint, it is hard to detect Blackness and even though White Westerners have been trying for hundreds of years to qualify it, quantify it, and put us into a box, they still haven’t figured it out yet. Rachel Dolezal thought she’d figured it out, but clearly didn’t get the memo about Blackness requiring real Black people in her family tree.
What do you think dear readers about this whole thing? I’d love to hear your takeaway. Got my pencil so I can take notes.
14 responses to “Defining Blackness: My Take on Rachel Dolezal”
Not being a minority (well, does jewish still count?), I’m hesitant to wade in. Maybe someone can explain this to me though. Where is the harm? Who does it hurt? Would it not create more joy in the world if we just let this lady lead her life however she wants?
It’s like gay marriage. Even if you think gays are sin incarnate, two gays getting married does not affect anyone’s lives but their own. Similarly, this lady’s activities don’t take anything away from more authentic blacks.
Why not just say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and leave it at that?
Like you, initially I thought, heck if she wants to be Black, let her be Black. But you can’t just Be Black. Imagine if I just announced I was Jewish and started attending Jewish religious religious ceremonies, started teaching other people about Judaism and then applied for my free home in Israel? Folks would be a little peeved. Even though I think the Jewish religion is great, and I have great respect and feel a kinship for the Jewish experience in the world, I can’t just BE Jewish. I haven’t earned the right. Plus, I might actually not have all the rules and regulations correct seeing as how I’ve made up my Jewishness and then when I go around spreading my views and such, folks will realize not only am I not Jewish, I’m a liar. And nobody likes a liar.
I hope this makes it clear. Nobody has a problem with a person who really feels a kinship with another community. Even blending in, but you can’t lie and expect to get away with it. Liars always get caught.
Thanks for visiting the Meltingpot.
Your view is right on point about RD. My theory has always been just because you sleep with a black man doesn’t mean you are black. She is very delusional about this whole situation.
I can’t wait to read your new book!
Thank you! And I can’t wait to read your new book too.
I have yet to read the entire story, but I think a wiser and most-honest approach would be: “I appreciate Black culture and it resonates with me. I wish I was Black.” And leave it at that! Express appreciation but don’t lie and say you are one of that ethnicity. I love the Irish culture, but I’m not Irish.
Agreed. Keep it straight and simple.
What are your thoughts on #RachelDolezal… Just because you raise bi-racial children, marry a black man… Is No Excuse to live the life of a fraud! She has lost her credibility because of her poor decisions. We as black woman can’t pretend to be white… Because so much other than the color of our skin is seen before we enter into a room!
On the other hand … Color and to some extent gender does announce us, but not culture or ethnicity.
Color is seen. Gender is assumed or announced. Ethnicity and culture are assigned or adopted based on what one accepts or embraces.
Americans claim to be a champion of the visceral, where we measure worth on character.
But the vilification of #RachelDolezal shows our hypocrisy. Ijs #justmythoughts
We have been and are judges of the visual, where we assign the value of a person on what we see.
I don’t… Can’t… Justify the actions of #RachelDolezal but her actions certainly say something about her values and character-but our individual and collective reaction to her speaks volumes about us as as groups and a nation.
She could have been the same woman, fighting for what she believed, educating where she felt she would be able to make a difference and still a white woman who made a difference. It’s the decision and the little white lies that caught up to her! #unnecessarytobeanadvocateforwhatsright! #unitewemust
Good points all around. And you are so right. “Color is seen,” which is why I think we need to start talking more about color these days. Our racial categories are failing us over and over again.
How do you know she doesn’t have black in her ancestry. Her white father just may not be her real father.
You doth protest to much … I support RD and all Whites who have admiration and respect for Blackness ..
Black folks been passin for forever on America some of our hypocrisy is amusing and revealing .
Black face is nothing new in America what is new is the raw idea that a White Woman going public with her adoration and worship of Blackness over Whiteness this truth inflames White America !
I want more Whites like RD not less in America work it Sista handle your business girlfriend smh
That would be something. Like Black No More in reverse. Could make a lot of people uncomfortable. *maniacal laughter*
Still don’t know exactly how I feel about Rachel Dolezal and her identity complex, but I love this piece. it’s crisp. it’s clean and it creates a rather safe haven for the continued exploration of my indecision. TY
You are most welcome. 🙂