Is Ms. Meltingpot “Maxed Out?”

Hello Meltingpot Readers,

I don’t know if you all know that I’m on the tenure track here at Temple University, which means there are a lot of hoops I have to jump through in the next two years in order to keep my job. I also, as you know, have three fantastic children, a husband who is trying to finish his PhD and an old house that loves to fall apart at the most inopportune times. I love my life, really I do, but last week I developed this mysterious rash on my back and last night when I should have been working on my new book proposal but was really surfing the web, I stumbled upon a book trailer for a new book called Maxed Out: Working Mothers on the Brink. Check it out:

Dear readers, does this sound familiar to any of you? Do you think Ms. Meltingpot is Maxed Out? I must get my hands on this book. And in the meantime, to try to heal my mysterious rash and to try to eliminate some of my stress, I will only be posting on the Meltingpot once a week. I considered giving it up completely, but I just can’t seem to stay quiet with all of my meltingpot finds and ideas. And I really enjoy the thoughtful comments and opinions you all share with me. So, Maxed Out or not, I’m not leaving the Meltingpot, just dialing back a little bit before I break down on my way to Target to buy diapers. Thanks for understanding.



4 responses to “Is Ms. Meltingpot “Maxed Out?””

  1. I can completely understand that sometimes it feels like there are just not enough hours in the day to do the things that need to be done. That being said, I will certainly miss the triweekly entries of this wonderful blog. You bring so many interesting topics for discussion. I have mentioned this blog to many of my friends and shared some of the links you posted. I am a faithful follower of only two blogs; the other one being family related. I will still be checking in here to see what delectable topics you are treating us to. Good luck with all of your projects and come back soon.

    1. Ms. Meltingpot Avatar
      Ms. Meltingpot

      Thanks, Cyretha!

  2. Take a breather but don’t give up this blog! I love reading it.

    1. Ms. Meltingpot Avatar
      Ms. Meltingpot

      Marisa, you made my day. Thank you. And I’m breathing.

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