#Black Hair + Books: Afros the Book

Hi Meltingpot Readers,

It’s Friday. I owe you a book about Black hair for Black history month. But I’m tired and it’s late. But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to come through for you. I’ve been covering the Black hair game for so long, all I had to do was bounce on over to my HairStoryOnline website and peruse the archives. That’s where I stumbled upon this gorgeous photo book dedicated to the most iconic Black hairstyle of them all, the Afro.

A beautiful book about a beautiful style!
A beautiful book about a beautiful style!

Instead of rewriting now what I said back in 2013 when the book came out, I’m just going to provide the link for you to go check it out on your own. I know you can do it. You can also feel free to order the book yourself from your favorite online retailer, or Amazon.

Peace and Hair Grease!

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